Call us: +44 1632 96099
Petra Vasileva

Intuitive Coaching

  Intuitive Coaching Experience 
Lead with Intuition

What to Expect in an
Intuitive Coaching Session

The Intuitive Coaching Experience is a blend of intuitive and cognitive coaching work, rooted in your own psychological and intuitive resources. It is particularly good if you haven't been able to access the deeper parts of you through classic coaching, or it felt cerebral to you, or maybe something was missing and a part of you remained untouched.

It is about giving your Soul permission to take you home to yourself and letting your Higher Self be your best guide.

Working on the outcomes you'd like to achieve in the coaching, we will focus on:

 Leading with intuition and having your rational mind follow and support your intuition in creating your heart's desires and achieving your life and business goals
Working through issues, where cognitive intellectual work is not helping you achieve desired results and there is something you are not able to deal with relying only on your rational mind
Understanding tension and how to use it in your advantage, instead of letting it sabotage you
Getting out of your habitual ways, and accessing your inner wisdom through intuitive methods
Reconnecting with, and learning how to trust your inner compass
Understanding your intuition and letting it guide you
Distinguishing whether your impulses come from your intuition, or from fear, from childhood conditioning, etc.
Initiating action from your intuition and following through with your inner intuitive guidance

You will feel the ripple effect of it long after the intuitive coaching experience itself.

Due to the intuitive nature of the work, we will work with images, information and subtleties which present themselves to you through your imagination, intuition, emotions and instincts.

The approach is powerful as it engages both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It engages your subconscious to push your inner wisdom up, which you are ready to apply at that particular time, settle it in your awareness and take focused action, coming from your intuition.

I use my own intuition during our time together, but please note I do not do intuitive readings, nor give advice what decisions to make or what actions to take. Our work is rooted in your own connection with your own intuition. I am your intuitive guide in that process.

There is a famous quote by Albert Einstein:
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

In our sessions, we will engage your rational mind to faithfully support your intuition.

You will have my unconditional positive regard. I will hold you in your genius energetic space. 

During the sessions:

☙ We will use vision journeys
☙ We will use heart centering techniques
☙ We will work with your own magical imagery, which draws from your subconscious
☙ We are likely to do kinaesthetic and somatic coaching exercises
☙ We may use mindfulness or meditation techniques
☙ We may do art exercises, please have your preferred art materials handy
☙ Please bring All Of Your Weird  ❤︎
☙ We will do only things you feel comfortable with

Each session has a different and very light structure as we work intuitively and will do what feels right in the moment. 

The usual length of an intuitive coaching session is about 90 minutes. As we have the subconscious involved in the process, I end the sessions when it feels energetically complete, and due to that in some cases a session may last up to two hours. 

The ripple effect of it works long after the sessions.

To find out more over a virtual cup of tea or coffee,

to ask any questions you may have,

 and to see whether it feels like a good fit to have an intuitive coaching experience together,
schedule a discovery call from the button below.

Ignite Your Soul, Your Life, Your  Legacy

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. 

Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

~ Patanjali

A bit about my coaching background and how my Intuitive Coaching Style was born

I started my coaching journey in 2013 as a part time practice, a beautiful addition to my professional portfolio. 

I trained as a coach on a course which was teaching integrative psychologically based coaching. Over the course of several years I trained in 11 coaching modalities on coaching industry approved courses. My intention was to experience many different perspectives and to create my own integrative coaching style and approach. It was a very rich experience, and yet at all times I felt something was missing. I kept having a hunger to touch something else, which was deeper and felt elusive to me. 

Throughout my practice I learned to know when the clients needed to go beyond deep coaching and get different specialist support. And so I felt a need to put a more stable psychological platform on which to ground my coaching style. I did a year long Foundations in Counselling Course in a modality called Transactional Analysis. I absolutely loved this modality, and doing this course had me get crystal clear, that I did not want to be a therapist. I am a coach in my nature. 

And..... that elusive feeling just kept sitting there.....

I kept the psychological coaching work separate from my personal development preferences, which were grounded in metaphysics. Holistic personal development approaches, energy work and mind-body-spirit alignment were favourite fields of interest for me for over fifteen years. I never settled with a single personal development practice. I tried and tested different things throughout the years, and different things helped me at different times as I evolved on my journey. I practice transcendental meditation and various consciousness practices daily.

Finding the right coaching style and approach was my soul search during the first 5-6 years of my coaching journey. Until it became very clear to me that my problem was rooted in the separation of the cognitive work from the intuitive work. I thought my credibility was coming only from my psychological training background. 

And by doing that, I had kept allowing my head lead the journey, not my heart...

This clarity emerged as a result of series of intuitive sessions with people who were offering intuitive work. I gave myself permission to center myself in my heart and made a decision to stop doing business work and focussed only on coaching. 



Blending intuitive and intellectual coaching is a preferred way for me to work, as it is led by my heart, and it uses all of me. I find it powerful as it engages the subconscious with a conscious intention. It fascinates me when I keep seeing science confirming things indigenous peoples and spiritual leaders knew and practiced, for many centuries before the contemporary science was born.

Ignite Your Soul, Your Life, Your  Legacy

We are all work in progress. In our own way, each one of us is a traveller on a journey.
I look forward to hearing your story, getting to know you, and serving you to bridge your current and your desired realms with your inner wisdom.


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