My professional background is in business, with 20+ years experience in a variety of entrepreneurial environments. I have a diverse professional experience across a range of sectors, including finance, start up & small business consultancy, imports & exports, procurement & logistics, business administration, nonprofit social enterprises. I started a coaching practice in 2013 as part of my portfolio.
In my late thirties, when I was approaching my 40th birthday, I went through a deep soul search. I wanted to engage with life in a different, meaningful and fulfilling way. I no longer wanted to do something I was really good at, I wanted to do something I was passionate about and that had me feel I was contributing to the world in a way, which brought fulfilment and satisfaction to myself and to the people I worked with.
I loved business and I felt great being in my element, using my sharp intellect as my core strength, and yet something was missing.
At the end of my thirties I used to smoke and have a glass or two of wine almost every evening as a way to cut off from the long hours of work.
Even though I did a lot of personal development work throughout the years, my workaholism patterns were keeping me stuck and not engaged with life. I was avoiding really living life, numbing with intellectual work.
I didn’t feel the life force in my body.
Thinking about"What next?", I was swayed between doing a further qualification in business consultancy, or pursuing a path which would touch the souls of the people I would work with.
I chose the less familiar route
I trained as a coach in 2013 and my
life changed. Working with people on creating positive changes in their lives and businesses brought me real connection with my heart, inspiration and excitement in my life. I was finally feeling that I was contributing to the world in a fulfilling way.
I work intuitively. Having trained in many modalities helps me use what feels right in the moment.
In my work, I enjoy:
☙ when I connect with others and share their passion for life;
☙ when I witness my clients shift their vibration;
☙ when inspiration lights their faces and brings sparkle to their eyes;
☙ when their imagination plants the seeds of the potent future in the fertile soil of the now;
☙ when determination to move their life fuels the fire in their belly and warms up their hearts;
☙ when they start engaging with life and business in a different, more meaningful way;
☙ when dreams and heart's desires are brought to fruition.
For information about my signature style, please visit theIntuitive Coachingpage here.
I have a daily transcendental meditation practice, combined with mindfulness and other consciousness practices. It is imperative for me to meditate daily to keep myself in a clear heart centred space, connected to my intuition.
The breaking point
My personal development journey started in my late twenties with an eating disorder that I developed after my second consciously interrupted pregnancy. I went through therapy and it unlocked my interest in psychology, personal development, metaphysics, eastern energy practices and later on Hermetic principles, perennial philosophy, spiritual sciences. Holistic approaches and mind-body-spirit alignment were always favourite fields of interest for me. I never settled with a single personal development practice. I tried and tested different things throughout the years, and different things helped me at different times. I spent years of rigorous self-enquiry and personal development work following the longing of my soul to truly know who I was.
A breaking point in my life was moving from Bulgaria to England in 2010. I was invited by a friend of mine to come to London to run her business, as she was planning a career change. After a year of working together I decided to change direction.
At that point my dark night of the soul had begun. Iknew that even if I changed countries, I would keep repeating and re-creating the same old circumstances, experiences and relationshipsif I did not make profound changes about aspects of myself which no longer served me. Not just on the surface, but deep, deep inside of me, to the core of my being.
I made a decision to listen to the subtle voice of my intuition. Even though it felt scary and irrational to leave the job and not to go back to Bulgaria, I stayed in London. I had the determination to do what it takes to succeed and to follow my authentic path. Despite the fear. I dived into the unknown in search of a meaningful life journey.
I took risks. I risked rejection, failure, disappointment, disillusion. But never ceased my search for meaning and purpose in my life. As long as I kept staying on the path and looking, I knew I would find my way to happiness.
Today I feel deep appreciation for life and gratitude for my life journey.
My life feels like a charming rich journey.
The sense of stability and security didn't come through material possessions or career positions. It came through following the subtle voice of my intuition, trusting my inner radar and my internal compass, that it would lead my soul towards its highest good.
The biggest lessons I learned came from my disappointments and breakdowns; from facing my fear as a doorway to the unknown; from risking to go out of my comfort zone and to keep myself stretched; from embracing the unknown, especially when the next step was very scary, but the subtle inner voice was whispering quietly: "Go..."
I have my ups and downs ~ that's the nature of human experience, but it is easier for me to re-center and to bring myself faster to a good feeling state. I learned to honour all of my feelings, to respect and learn from the 'difficult' ones. I appreciate each moment as meaningful and I am grateful to all experiences.
I feel gratitude and appreciation for everything in my life more than ever before. I use inspiration and insight to re-calibrate my inner compass guidance. It is much easier for me to create my vision from a place of being connected to a higher purpose.
I start my days with practices that keep me connected to my heart and to my inner wisdom. I am committed to loving myself unconditionally and staying grounded in my clear space.
We are all work in progress. In our
own way, each one of us is a traveller on a journey.
I believe that the world needs more people who are centered in their hearts, as this is what raises the vibration on Earth.
I look forward to hearing your story, getting to know you, and helping you to connect to your soul and spirit to a better fulfilling life journey.
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Steve Jobs